The Ultimate Detective
Toolkit For Your PC!
Detect and remove adult material and inappropriate files from your
computer, quickly and easily
Adult-content detection solutions for home and business
Our software incorporates leading edge technologies to find nudity in image and video files, using techniques like object and shape recognition, pattern and color analysis, contextual keyword scanning and more, to locate adult files and other suspicious items. Our unique fourth-generation SkinScan™ technology allows rapid and accurate detection of undesirable images and videos, wherever they may be hidden.

Solutions for business and home users

Our premium content detection software for enterprise. Network scanning, reporting and much more.
Product Features:
- Powerful pornography detection tools detect nudity in images and video files
- Remotely scan workstations and servers without leaving your chair
- Integrated report generation
- Scheduling and batch processing simplifies scanning of multiple systems
- New updated keyphrase system allows contextual analysis of documents
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The original and best!
Clean up adult files on your home computer quickly and easily!
Product Features:
- Windows 11, 10, 8.x, 7, Vista and XP native support
- Analyzes images, videos, documents, internet history, cookies, and more...
- Fast 2nd Generation scanning engine
- Interactively manage detected files with thumbnail results display
- Protect kids from hidden surprises
- Speed up your system & recover space
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Product Features:
- Snitch Plus contains the core features of Snitch, and adds several next-level capabilities:
- File shredding to prevent data recovery
- Completely re-engineered code base
- Supports additional file formats
- Enhanced detection accuracy
- Firefox history scanning
- Many more extras
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How much power do you need?
Our pornography detection solutions come in various forms for various needs. For business customers we offer our most powerful network-capable product, PinPoint Auditor. For home users we have Snitch, featuring the essentials for detection and cleanup of unwanted material, and Snitch Plus for expert users who need a bit more functionality.
Snitch Plus
PinPoint Auditor
Essential porn detection functionality
Includes our unique SkinScan technology for detecting adult content in image and video files, keyword analysis, and more.
Newer technologies and advanced features
4th generation scanning engine, file shredding, recovery of interrupted scans, additional file format support, folder exclusions and more.
Enterprise and network features
Network scanning for workstations and servers, report generation, batch scanning, scheduled scans, powerful keyword filtering, and more.