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Search your hard drives for offensive porn

Snitch will help search hard drives for offensive files on your computer

When you need to get rid of porn from your hard drives, Snitch is the tool for you. Snitch will automatically search your hard drives and help you remove offensive images, movies, internet history and other illicit files. Snitch can perform a hard drive scan , searching for and identifying files that may contain nudity; it can also help you delete internet history, as well as various other intelligent porn scans to assist in finding and removing many forms of pornography. Other functions include internet history scanning and removal, keyword inspections, and identification of files that have been intentionally hidden.

Snitch takes away the doubt and difficulties associated with checking your PC for porn infestation. It is also designed to take the pain away from the process of searching and removing unwanted files that would otherwise remain as hidden porn on the drive.

To find out more about Snitch, or to download a FREE demo, Click Here

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