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computer clean up

Content Cleanup - Get rid of porn from your computer!

Have you ever discovered pornographic pictures and movies on your hard drive, but you don't know where they came from? Is it about time for a Content Cleanup? Are family members behaving in a suspicious manner when confronted while using the internet? Are you completely aware of the kinds of unwanted material your computer contains? Snitch gives you the tools needed to help you find out today!.

Snitch parental control software is designed to help locate and clean hard drive files including porn images and movies, illegal MP3 files, Internet history caches, cookies etc. and leave your hard drive clean and tidy! The ultimate content cleanup!

Snitch has the ability to inspect individual images and to identify those that are likely to be pornographic or contain nudity, using various methods. Parental controls with these capabilities (Snitch in this case) can interrogate compressed files, to see if they contain illicit material; it can check text and HTML files for rude language, check for files with obscene filenames, and much more. Uncovered files can be viewed, sorted, deleted, or compiled into a report. You can use the deletion functions in Snitch to delete porn.

PinPoint Auditor
is frequently brought in by schools as a drive cleaner to scour common use workstations and library computers, to delete porn and to ensure clean servers for use by staff and students. Businesses use Snitch to check their networked computing resources, to make sure no pornographic material exists which could cause legal issues. Home users use Snitch to do a content cleanup so nosy neighbors or service technicians do not find unwanted surprises.

For a clean hard disk, use the search and deletion capabilities of Snitch.

To find out more about Snitch, or to download a FREE demo, Click Here

Snitch - a software program designed to detect and remove adult material from a computer hard drive. For more information about Snitch, click here - to download a demo, click here

content Cleanup - The process of removing adult material from a computer system

Related terms: Computer clean up , Hard drive clean up , Cleanup , Disk cleanup , Content cleanup , Computer cleaner , Disk cleaner , Internet Cleaner , Hard drive cleaner , Erase internet history , Internet cleanup


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